City of David

The sanctification of antiquity sites in the Jerusalem section of the ‘Peace to Prosperity’ plan

For the last twenty years, the settlers together with successive right-wing governments have invested efforts in creating a Bible land in Jerusalem.  An examination of the section on Jerusalem’s Historic...

High Court permits the closure of public space in Silwan to prevent violation of the Sabbath and Jewish festivals

Emek Shaveh: The High Court upheld the decision by the Nature and Parks Authority and the Elad Foundation from 2015 to close the gates to what were previously accessible public areas...

When Green Zones meet the Green Line

A new Emek Shaveh report on the impact of new tourism projects on the green areas along the Green Line in Jerusalem With the goal of obliterating the Green Line,...

The cable car will not be economically feasible

The economic feasibility report on the cable car to the Old City:  The cable car will not be economically feasible if the cost of building will rise to 30% above...

Emergency Conference – the Cable Car to the Old City

You are cordially invited to an emergency conference following approval of the Cable Car Plan. The conference will take place this Thursday, December 19, 2019, at Mishkenot Sha’ananim from 17:00-20:00. 17:00 -18:00...

Coalition for the Preservation of the Historic Basin

To Download The Coalition Position Paper Click Here Background The plan to build the cable car in the Old City was set into motion by a government decision in 2017...

An Alternative Guide to the City of David Archaeological Park

A guide for the visitor to the City of David National Park in Silwan. The guide features information about the archaeological site, the way it is being run, and how...

An Apeal to Stop the Cable Car To The Old City Plan

Leading architects, archaeologists, and other professionals appealed to the High Court of Justice together with “Emek Shaveh” to withdraw the plan to build a Cable Car to the Old City....

The Expected Presence of the American Ambassador at the Dedication Ceremony for the “Pilgrims’ Road” in Silwan will be the closest the US will have come to date to recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Old City Basin

On Sunday an inauguration ceremony will be held for “Pilgrims’ Road” in Silwan.  The United States Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, the White House envoy to the Middle East, Special...