Kedem Compound

Emergency Conference – the Cable Car to the Old City

You are cordially invited to an emergency conference following approval of the Cable Car Plan. The conference will take place this Thursday, December 19, 2019, at Mishkenot Sha’ananim from 17:00-20:00. 17:00 -18:00...

Coalition for the Preservation of the Historic Basin

To Download The Coalition Position Paper Click Here Background The plan to build the cable car in the Old City was set into motion by a government decision in 2017...

The government approved the Cable Car to the Old City

The outgoing government today voted on and approved the plan to build a cable car to the Old City in a move that breaks with all rules of good governance....

The Jerusalem Cable Car Plan According to International Law

To Download the document as PDF click here The Jerusalem Cable Car Plan According to International Law/ Eitay Mack Background on the cable car plan The explanation in the minutes...

Petition to the HCJ: Prevent the Interim Government from Approving the Old City Cable Car Project

“Emek Shaveh”: Approval of the Cable Car by the Interim Government – An Election Grab to Push Through Costly Political Project On June 3, 2019, the National Infrastructure Committee approved...

Emek Shaveh’s Public Objections to the Cable Car

The cable car will damage Jerusalem’s Historic Basin. The developers misrepresented the project to the committee and are withholding information from the public Among the signatories: senior archaeologists and architects...

Cable Car Plan for Old City of Jerusalem Submitted for objections

After a protracted public struggle, and despite widespread criticism by planning organizations, the cable car plan was submitted Monday, January 28th, 2019 for reservations and objections by the district committees...

The Cable Car to Jerusalem’s Old City: Who Gains and Who Loses?

Please press here to download  position paper cable car to old city as PDF Background On Monday, October 29, 2018, the National Infrastructure Committee (NIC) approved the submission of the cable car...

Archaeology and Politics in Jerusalem’s Historic Basin 2018

Annual Report – 2018 2018 has seen record levels of government investment in archaeological tourism ventures in Jerusalem’s Historic Basin. New projects, such as the cable car from West Jerusalem...