
Press Release – The Israel Antiquities Authority’s plan to excavate beneath Silwan, all the way to the Western Wall Plaza

On Sunday, May 28 the Israel Antiquities Authority presented the “Shalem Plan” the purpose of which is to conduct extensive underground excavations from Silwan  to the Western Wall Plaza. The...

The UNESCO resolution on Jerusalem – balanced and necessary. But weak European support indicates Israeli steps towards annexation of East Jerusalem

UNESCO’s decision on Jerusalem yesterday is one of the best, most just and most long-awaited by the organization. On the other hand, it is a great success for Netanyahu whose...

Infographic – Jerusalem Facts Underground

How Israel is using antiquates to preempt a territorial compromise in Jerusalem’s Historic Basin. “Facts Underground” charts the political struggle over Jerusalem’s Historic Basin from 1995 to 2017. This animated...

Press Release High Court decision on the religious status of Western Wall tunnels

A hearing was held on Wednesday, March 22 following Emek Shaveh’s petition to regulate the sanctity of the “Western Wall tunnels.” Judges Rubinstein, Meltzer and Baron decided to reject the...

Press Release High Court hearing the religious status of the Western Wall tunnels

On Wednesday, March 22, the High Court of Justice will hear Emek Shaveh’s petition against the Minister of Religious Services concerning the sanctity of the Western Wall tunnels running underneath...

Rise in Infrastructural Work and Excavation Activity at the City of David Archaeological Site in Silwan

In the last months, particularly since September 2016, we have been witness to a wide range of development work at the City of David visitor center, in existing excavation sites...

Court Petition: Western Wall Tunnels a Holy Site for Christians, Muslims

The High Court of Justice has agreed to hear a petition asking why the Western Wall Tunnels have been declared a holy site for Jews and not for Muslims and...

High Court Petition to regulate the religious status of the Western Wall tunnels

This morning (Monday, December 5) Emek Shaveh submitted a petition to the High Court of Justice against the Minister of Religious Services concerning the sanctity of the Western Wall tunnels...

(Under)mining the Status Quo

Ancient sites play an important role in the political struggle over Jerusalem, particularly in the historic basin.  In this short video we describe the organisations engaged in archaeology and how...