
Netanyahu’s career as prime minister bookended by conflagrations on the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif

One of the memorable events during Netanyahu’s first term as prime minister in the 1990’s was the opening of the Western Wall tunnels.  The Western Wall tunnels had been opened...

Shalem Plan Overview – The Plan to Reveal Ancient Jerusalem

To Download as a PDF click here Introduction Each year, the Israeli government marks Jerusalem Day through a festive government meeting at a select site in the city. On May...

The Expected Presence of the American Ambassador at the Dedication Ceremony for the “Pilgrims’ Road” in Silwan will be the closest the US will have come to date to recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Old City Basin

On Sunday an inauguration ceremony will be held for “Pilgrims’ Road” in Silwan.  The United States Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, the White House envoy to the Middle East, Special...

Six Feet Under: The Cultural Heritage of Minorities in Jerusalem

Introduction The guiding principle of human rights conventions is that all human beings, regardless of religion, race, or gender, are equal and entitled to the same system of rights. In...

Wall from Early Islamic Period Prevents Continued Excavation of Tunnel between Silwan and the Old City

Over the past three years, the Israel Antiquities Authority has been excavating a tunnel along the route of an ancient street that was dated by the excavators to the Byzantine...

High Court hearing of Emek Shaveh petition against Western Wall tunnel excavations

On Thursday, May 17 at 11:30am, the High Court will hear the petition filed by Emek Shaveh via Attorney Itay Mack, demanding a halt to the Western Wall tunnel excavations...

The Israeli government approved a record amount for archaeological excavations in Silwan

The Israeli government approved NIS 47 million in funding over two years for archaeological excavations in Silwan in East Jerusalem. The funding will go to the Elad Association projects. This...

Press Release – High Court petition demands a halt to Western Wall Tunnels excavations until obtaining approval by a ministerial committee

Emek Shaveh submitted a petition to the High Court of Justice today (June 26, 2017) demanding that the Israel Antiquities Authority be instructed to cease excavations  and other archaeological work...

Position Paper – In the Air and Underground – the Jerusalem Cable Car Project and its potential impact on the Historic Basin

During a government meeting on Jerusalem Day (28 May 2017), the ministers approved the plan to build a cable car that would transport tourists from West Jerusalem to Silwan\City of...