The Old City

High Court Petition to regulate the religious status of the Western Wall tunnels

This morning (Monday, December 5) Emek Shaveh submitted a petition to the High Court of Justice against the Minister of Religious Services concerning the sanctity of the Western Wall tunnels...

How Archaeology Became an Israeli-Palestinian Battleground

A controversial Unesco vote and new finds in Jerusalem highlight the struggle over the past and future of a divided Holy Land Ilan Ben Zion, 4 November 2016 Archaeology has...

(Under)mining the Status Quo

Ancient sites play an important role in the political struggle over Jerusalem, particularly in the historic basin.  In this short video we describe the organisations engaged in archaeology and how...

A History of Jerusalem

Jerusalem’s rich and diverse history in two minutes.  It is a city of many layers, cultures and peoples. Most of all it is a city of its people, living side...

Survery shows Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem experience the archaeological activities as a tool to undermine Jerusalem’s national and religious identity

July, 2016   Survey shows Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem experience the archaeological activities as a tool to undermine Jerusalem’s national and religious identity   Issues of identity, religion and...

Update: Zeev Elkin – Jerusalem Affairs and Environmental Protection Minister

At the end of July, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu chose to appoint Zeev Elkin as Minister of Environmental Protection. Elkin has been head of the Ministry of Jerusalem Affairs and...