Tel Sebastia

Israeli Policy makers demand increase military surveillance and archaeological oversight over Mt Ebal/Tel Burnat and Sebastia

Sebastia: Yesterday, October 1st, Minister for Environmental Protection Idit Silman arrived at the site of Sebastia with Head of the Samaria Regional Council Yossi Dagan and members of the public. Signs...

Ancient Sites Recruited in Battle Over Area C

Summary of Developments in 2020  To download as a PDF click here   Over the last few years, we’ve been witnessing an organized campaign by the settlers focusing on what...

Minister of Heritage Initiates a Plan with Severe Consequences for Palestinians in Area C

In the midst of a serious economic crisis and a provisional government, the Minister of Jerusalem and Heritage transferred 24 million shekels on Monday to local councils in the West...

Israeli Archaeological Activity in the West Bank 1967-2007

The collection of archaeological sites in this publication are derived from the surveys and excavations conducted in the West Bank since 1967. The scientific publication is accompanied by a map...

How to protect your land when it is a declared national park

Living in a national park is no picnic. Although the animals, plants and archaeology are well looked after, the people who live there or own the land are not. Anyone...

The Political struggle over the future of Tel Sebastia

Tel Sebastia near Nablus is adjacent to the Palestinian village of Sebastia, and has been a focus of interest for settlers and the Civil Administration for the past two years....