Holy Basin

Guiding Principles for a Jerusalem Antiquities Master Plan – Proposed Policy Paper

Why is There a Need for an Antiquities Master Plan? Over the past decade and a half, Israel has been creating a reality in Jerusalem’s Historic Basin that is designed...

Conference: “Recalculating Route”: Navigating between Antiquities, Sanctity and Nationalism in Jerusalem

Thursday, 30 June 2016, 17:00-21:00 At The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute Ancient sites in Jerusalem’s historic basin are in many cases also sacred sites and tourist attractions. These sites create...

Selectively Sacred: Holy Sites in Jerusalem and its Environs

Introduction In this document, we examine how the Israeli government authorities and legal system address the issue of holy places. The government, legal and judicial authorities in Israel attempt to...

Update – Kedem Center in Silwan and Davidson Center at the foot of the Temple Mount / Al-Aqsa Compound

 Important Israeli court and building committee decisions were recently delivered regarding efforts by right-wing organization Elad (An Israeli organization promoting Jewish settlement in Silwan that uses archaeology to strengthen Israeli...

Update: The State Attorney requests permission to petition the High Court of Justice against letting the Elad Foundation take over the management of the ‘Davidson Center’

In October, the Jerusalem District Court approved an agreement to transfer the management of the Davidson Center Archaeological Park to the Elad Foundation. The State’s decision to appeal to the...

Underground Jerusalem: The excavation of tunnels, channels, and underground spaces in the Historic Basin

Introduction The majority of the area of the Old City is densely built. As a result, there are very few open spaces in which archaeological excavations can be undertaken. From...

Update: new developments in the antiquity sites in Silwan, the area surrounding the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif and in Hebron

In the past few weeks right wing settler NGOs have taken over new areas in Silwan/City of David, at the Davidson Center adjacent to the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif, and in...

Tourism and Sacred Sites: The Davidson Center, the Archaeological Park and the corner of the Western Wall

Introduction Following the 1967 war and the destruction of the Mughrabi quarter, the Western Wall was informally split into two sections separated by the Mughrabi Bridge. To the north, the...