Historic Basin

Another Future: Conservation of Antiquities Sites – Suggestions towards a Partial Solution of Jerusalem’s Political Problems

Were we to reduce the political conflict in Jerusalem to a single issue, we might say that it lays mainly on sovereignty in the so-called “historical (holy) basin” of the...

The government has decided to build the “Kedem Compound” in Silwan

The government is going ahead with plans to build the “Kedem Compound” on the site of the “Givati Parking Lot” excavations, at the entrance to the village of Silwan, and...

Position Paper: Kedem Compound

The Prime Minister’s decision to move forward with the “Kedem Compound” plan in Silwan and the “Mount Scopus Slopes” National Park Last Wednesday morning we learned the Prime Minister and...

El’ad’s involvement in archaeological sites and projects in East Jerusalem

Introduction Over the past few years, the Israeli-Jewish campaign for control and sovereignty over Palestinian East Jerusalem has been closely tied with the development and operation of several archaeological sites...

Cultural heritage protection in international conventions

Introduction Currently, there are five international conventions which regulate the protection of cultural heritage 1, the main issues being intended and unintended destruction during armed conflict, plunder and illicit trafficking of cultural...

Underground Jerusalem: The excavation of tunnels, channels, and underground spaces in the Historic Basin

Introduction The tunnels being dug in the Old City and in the adjacent Palestinian village of Silwan have reached the headlines once again. In the four years since 2007, the...

Frequent Questions about Jerusalem’s Old City

How old is the Old City? The walled city as we know it was established by the Romans as ‘Aelia Capitolina’ in the second century CE, after they had destroyed...

From Shiloah to Silwan – A Visitor’s Guide

What is the guide? This guide is based on Emek Shaveh’s alternative archeological tour in the village of Silwan and at the City of David national park. The tour, initiated...