Archaeology Staff Officer

Legal battle against the archaeological excavations in Tel Rumeida – Update

16 December 2014 In early 2014 the City of Hebron and Tel Rumeida residents petitioned the Israeli High Court against the archaeological excavations conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority in...

Tel Shiloh (Khirbet Seilun): Archaeological Settlement in the Political Struggle over Samaria

For PDF file about Tel Shiloh please click here 1. Location of Tel Shiloh and the organizations involved in its management Tel Shiloh (Shiloh Mound) is situated in southern Samaria...

Tel Rumeida – Hebron’s Archaeological Park

To read PDF file: Tel Rumeida – Hebron archaeological park 1. Tel Rumeida – General Features Hebron is the only Palestinian city in the West Bank that contains a Jewish settlement...

Update: New Master Plan for Tel Shiloh

A master plan for an 11,000 sq. meter tourism center in the Tel Shiloh archaeological site was submitted in March 2014 to the Planning & Building Committee of the Civil...

Tel Shiloh (Khirbet Seilun)

Introduction The inauguration ceremony for the Migdal Ha-Ro’eh (“the Tower of the Seeing Prophet”) at Tel Shiloh, which took place in July 2013, was attended by the heads of religious...

Video: Nabi Samwil – A village trapped in a National Park

Video: Nabi Samwil – A village trapped in a National Park The village of Nabi Samuel, in Arabic, “a-Nabi Samwil”, is located north of Jerusalem and outside of its municipal...

Nabi Samwil – A Village Trapped in a National Park

Introduction The Nabi Samuel National Park is one of the largest national parks in the West Bank. The antiquities site and religious center located on the grounds have become a...