
Israel’s “National Heritage Sites” Project in the West Bank: Archeological importance and political significance

Introduction: The Rehabilitation and Empowerment of National Heritage Infrastructures Project In February 2010, the Israeli government adopted the “National Heritage Sites Project.” The project’s stated goal is to strengthen the...

The Mamilla Cemetery in West Jerusalem: A Heritage Site at the Crossroads of Politics and Real Estate

Location and Significance The Mamilla neighborhood is situated west of the Old City of Jerusalem, across from the Jaffa Gate/Bab Al-Kahlil.  It was built along one of the tributaries of...

Valley of Hinnom/ Wadi Rababa: A socio-political, archeological overview

Location Valley of Hinnom/Wadi Rababa is bordered by Mt. Zion on the north and on the west by the Jerusalem Cinematheque.  The Abu-Tur neighborhood lies to one side of the...

Graveyard Metropolis East of Jerusalem’s Old City

Location This document reviews cemeteries located east of Jerusalem’s Old City from the Kidron Valley to the Mount of Olives. The graves, which are part of Jerusalem’s established tourist trail,...

Where Are the Antiquities? National Parks between the Old City of Jerusalem And Area E1

Location of the National Parks The three national parks described in this report form a continuous uninhabited territory stretching from Jerusalem’s Old City walls to the area known as E1....

Nabi Samwil – A Village Trapped in a National Park

Introduction The Nabi Samuel National Park is one of the largest national parks in the West Bank. The antiquities site and religious center located on the grounds have become a...

Archaeology on a Slippery Slope: Elad’s sifting project in Emek Tzurim National Park

Introduction The Temple Mount Sifting Project, sponsored by ELAD and the Israel Nature and Parks Authority, is often portrayed in the media and in popular publications as a vital salvage...

El’ad’s involvement in archaeological sites and projects in East Jerusalem

Introduction Over the past few years, the Israeli-Jewish campaign for control and sovereignty over Palestinian East Jerusalem has been closely tied with the development and operation of several archaeological sites...

Cultural heritage protection in international conventions

Introduction Currently, there are five international conventions which regulate the protection of cultural heritage 1, the main issues being intended and unintended destruction during armed conflict, plunder and illicit trafficking of cultural...

Underground Jerusalem: The excavation of tunnels, channels, and underground spaces in the Historic Basin

Introduction The tunnels being dug in the Old City and in the adjacent Palestinian village of Silwan have reached the headlines once again. In the four years since 2007, the...