Court Petition: Western Wall Tunnels a Holy Site for Christians, Muslims
The High Court of Justice has agreed to hear a petition asking why the Western Wall Tunnels have been declared a holy site for Jews and not for Muslims and...
The High Court of Justice has agreed to hear a petition asking why the Western Wall Tunnels have been declared a holy site for Jews and not for Muslims and...
A Jerusalem court upheld on Wednesday the state’s decision to maintain the anonymity of Israeli archaeologists digging in the West Bank. The court also approved the withholding of information about...
The names of Israeli archaeologists excavating in the West Bank should be kept secret, likewise the location of where dug-up artifacts are stored, Jerusalem District Court has ruled. It thereby...
A controversial Unesco vote and new finds in Jerusalem highlight the struggle over the past and future of a divided Holy Land Ilan Ben Zion, 4 November 2016 Archaeology has...
A recent court ruling sanctioned the move of a rare archaeological library from East to West Jerusalem By Ylenia Gostoli, Aljazeera http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/08/israeli-museum-transfer-sets-dangerous-precedent-160817083818469.html
The High Court of Justice rejected a petition from a left-wing NGO to block the transfer of an ancient library from the Rockefeller Museum in east Jerusalem to the new,...
A tiny Palestinian village in the Hebron hills could soon cease to exist after a nine-year legal battle with Israeli authorities who say its 167 residents live on an archaeological...
By end of 2016 allocation of Tel Rumeida archeological park to the Jewish settlement in Hebron to be reversed By Uri Shapira, i24News http://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel/politics/116773-160615-science-meets-politics-as-second-temple-era-artifacts-found-in-west-bank
Very well-written piece about the situation in Hebron By David Kattenburg Seven days in Hebron
Jerusalem has vastly expanded in the 7,000 years of its existence. Including, in the past two decades, downwards. Beneath the Old City, one can already walk hundreds of meters underground,...