
Prevent the transfer of the library and archaeological artefacts from the Rockefeller Museum

 May 4, 2016 The organization Emek Shaveh petitioned the High Court of Justice demanding it prevent the transfer of the Rockefeller Museum’s archaeological library as well as all the archaeological...

Press Release: High Court Petition: Allow Palestinians access to the archaeological site of Tel Almit

 April 3 2016 Anata village council head together with “Emek Shaveh” and “Yesh Din” demand that the court allow villagers access to the site, located on their land and part...

Press release: Emek Shaveh Demands from Attorney General that Establishment of the new Western Wall Plaza Take Place through the Planning Committees and with Public Involvement

February 2, 2016 The government of Israel’s decision to extend the prayer area at the Western Wall into the archaeological area in order to create a separate Reform and Conservative...

Press Release: Israel High Court Petition filed to prevent additional site closure in ‘City of David’ archaeological park, Silwan

 January 24, 2016 A group of Silwan residents and Emek Shaveh petitioned the Israeli High Court yesterday to prevent closure of “Area E” (No. 6 and 7 on map), the...

Press Release: Request to Antiquities Authority and the Archaeology Council to prevent construction of Kedem Compound

16 November 2015 The media recently reported the discovery of a Hellenistic fort identified as the historical “Acra” in the Givati parking lot excavations, opposite the Old City walls. This...

Press release: Contract allocating Hebron archaeological site (Tel Rumieda) to settlers cancelled

November 5, 2015 Following a petition by Breaking the Silence, Emek Shaveh, and Tel Rumeida residents, the Civil Administration announced that by the end of the year it will nullify...

Two High Court Petitions in case of Tel Shiloh against settlers’ management of archaeological site and construction of a tourism complex

Press Release October 11, 2015 Emek Shaveh petitioned the High Court after the Planning Commission of Judea and Samaria approved the construction a 11,000 square meter tourism complex within Tel...

High Court Petition: The Jerusalem Planning and Building Committee will hear objections to Beit Haliba

September 2, 2015 Emek Shaveh submitted an objection to the construction of ‘Beit Haliba’ at the Western Wall (No. 8 on map). We claim that the building will harm the...

Petition to High Court to prevent closure of space in the archaeological site in Silwan / City of David

2 September 2015 Emek Shaveh and group of Silwan residents petitioned the High Court to prevent closure of “Area G” (No. 3 on map) in the City of David archaeological...